Sunday, September 12, 2004


hehe basically lazed ard e whole day.. did nth spectacular at home, except finishing e get backers dvd which was purchased weeks ago.. wondering whether e lethargy's from e drink yesterday.. margarita if i'm not wrong.. haha..

had steamboat for dinner with e guys yesterday.. hehe quite a surprise act when i juz pushed a steamboat dinner away juz earlier on.. had a good talk as well act, to think e e usual outings were more of e fun n excitement kind.. seems like army's causing changes in lots of us, n some are beginning to feel despair in their army lives.. well maybe juz a bit.. can't do anything much abt it coz we're not in control.. sigh.. hey guys, look on e bright side.. it's only another yr plus or so till we get out of all this shit ya? haha..

"Life short.. So live it to e fullest.." Been a long time since i've heard this phrase.. saw it printed on a t-shirt not long ago, n it kinda gave me renewed strength.. maybe wat others said was right.. army kinda deteriotes one's mind, causing a bit of retardness in thinking.. feel as if there's much less to think abt n all to follow.. hehe so much for thinking soldier.. yux man..

survival will be crucial for e next week.. n it's gonna be another week nearer to brunei.. haha to think someone act volunteered to stay there.. told u army's causes retardness in e mind.. haha..

"止战之殇" ---周杰伦..

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