ants.. mosquitoes.. dirt.. soil.. weeds.. leaves..
tons of dem..
welcome to outfield..
haha it's been a long break act, so alot of us are kinda frustrated by e three days of exercise last week.. count ourselves lucky tt there wasn't much topoing involved this time round, purely mission based.. now tt it's over, there's another two more days to look forward to next week as well.. sigh.. not forgetting to mention e brunei trip's only two more weeks from now.. hehe..
was suppose to run e ahm this morning act, but ended up doing guard duty instead coz of some mismanagement on e battalion side, tasking my whole platoon to be doing guard this weekend.. sheesh.. den wat for make us go thru all tt training man.. well at least having e whole guardroom to ourselves was quite an experience, of course tt's not taking into consideration e four turnouts tt we got.. haha..
latest news has it tt today's guards are suppose to book in today, den act as enemies for e ranger course.. kaoz we already had e whole day burnt, n we still have to go for more shit? whereas e rest who ran e marathon get to book in tmr morning? tt's alot of fairness man..
enough of tt.. elder bro's bdae today act, but his still not home yet.. come to think of it, i haven't been home on my bdae during e last two years as well act.. hehe..
"我们的爱" ---F.I.R.
11 years ago