Sunday, September 26, 2004


ants.. mosquitoes.. dirt.. soil.. weeds.. leaves..

tons of dem..

welcome to outfield..

haha it's been a long break act, so alot of us are kinda frustrated by e three days of exercise last week.. count ourselves lucky tt there wasn't much topoing involved this time round, purely mission based.. now tt it's over, there's another two more days to look forward to next week as well.. sigh.. not forgetting to mention e brunei trip's only two more weeks from now.. hehe..

was suppose to run e ahm this morning act, but ended up doing guard duty instead coz of some mismanagement on e battalion side, tasking my whole platoon to be doing guard this weekend.. sheesh.. den wat for make us go thru all tt training man.. well at least having e whole guardroom to ourselves was quite an experience, of course tt's not taking into consideration e four turnouts tt we got.. haha..

latest news has it tt today's guards are suppose to book in today, den act as enemies for e ranger course.. kaoz we already had e whole day burnt, n we still have to go for more shit? whereas e rest who ran e marathon get to book in tmr morning? tt's alot of fairness man..

enough of tt.. elder bro's bdae today act, but his still not home yet.. come to think of it, i haven't been home on my bdae during e last two years as well act.. hehe..

"我们的爱" ---F.I.R.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Not mine.. of course.. everyone who knows me knows tt.. or should know tt.. i'm e tame ram named aries who's mild-mannered n is always happy.. well almost always.. haha..

anyway it's been a long time since so many of us gathered.. n wat a place it was too, with e lights by e banks of e river illuminating e serene night, ppl strolling down e streets, chilling out at e bars.. ate quite a sumptous meal at brewerks, had a cake tt's quite on par with death by choc, though not very sure wat u call e cake by.. had this grp of ppl celebrating another gal's bdae too, hehe.. their looks made it easy to deduce tt they were from acjc.. hehe one even looked like our former form teacher.. quite glad to have this outing act, haven't really caught up properly with some of e guys, though e only thing we talked abt was army stuff.. but tt's to be expected yeah?

probably blasted e ears of those who went to kbox after tt.. sorry out of touch for quite some time le.. haha.. will strive to improve ya? didn't really expect to reach home so late, other den nights of clubbing act..

tried using e vouchers my dear mum gave me at taka, ended up having to pay for my purchases cause kino's not part of e offer.. sigh..

ya i know i'm rambling rubbish, n it's boring.. but i'm bored now, can't u see? sheesh.. hope to get e MuVo slim soon though.. prob have to wait till my next pay..

"江南" --- 林俊杰..

Saturday, September 18, 2004



翻着我们的照片 想念若隐若现
去年的冬天 我们笑得很甜
看着你哭泣的脸 对着我说再见
来不及听见 你已走得很远
也许你已经放弃我 也许已经很难回头
我知道自己错过 请再给我一个理由
说你不爱我 就算是我不懂 能不能原谅我
请你回头 我会陪你一直走到最后
就算没有结果 我也能够随
我知道你的痛 是我给的承诺
你说给过我纵容 沉默是因为包容
如果要走 请你记得我 如果难过 请你忘了我

Sunday, September 12, 2004


hehe basically lazed ard e whole day.. did nth spectacular at home, except finishing e get backers dvd which was purchased weeks ago.. wondering whether e lethargy's from e drink yesterday.. margarita if i'm not wrong.. haha..

had steamboat for dinner with e guys yesterday.. hehe quite a surprise act when i juz pushed a steamboat dinner away juz earlier on.. had a good talk as well act, to think e e usual outings were more of e fun n excitement kind.. seems like army's causing changes in lots of us, n some are beginning to feel despair in their army lives.. well maybe juz a bit.. can't do anything much abt it coz we're not in control.. sigh.. hey guys, look on e bright side.. it's only another yr plus or so till we get out of all this shit ya? haha..

"Life short.. So live it to e fullest.." Been a long time since i've heard this phrase.. saw it printed on a t-shirt not long ago, n it kinda gave me renewed strength.. maybe wat others said was right.. army kinda deteriotes one's mind, causing a bit of retardness in thinking.. feel as if there's much less to think abt n all to follow.. hehe so much for thinking soldier.. yux man..

survival will be crucial for e next week.. n it's gonna be another week nearer to brunei.. haha to think someone act volunteered to stay there.. told u army's causes retardness in e mind.. haha..

"止战之殇" ---周杰伦..

Monday, September 06, 2004


hmmm time really flies man.. it's time to book in soon, in juz another few hrs in fact.. sigh.. time outside nvr seem to last, n to think tt it's one week lesser till e dreaded brunei trip.. shivers down e spine.. haha..

watched anaconda yesterday.. hehe not bad for a b-grade show act, though quite cliched at times n e computer graphics ain't tt great, but tt's to be expected anyway.. n to think e climax of e show was e orgy scene of e anacondas.. haha.. get e pun.. wat happened next was even funnier.. been so long since i had a stomach-cramping laugh..

Me: How do snakes reproduce?

Glenn: Well, their skin splits apart n their reproduction organ comes out, sort of like a gland..

n e laughter didn't cease till e ground floor of lido.. well well.. don't get e joke? juz too bad..

realised tt orchard's quite dead on sun act.. to think tt today's act e start of e sch hols.. maybe everyone's getting in e mood to study? haha.. failed to taste any proper ice-cream, except for e one at hello!, which wasn't any good either act, after a second look today.. guess bugis's still one of e best places.. though far east's promising as well.. haha wat am i talking abt..

"She Will Be Loved" --- Maroon 5...

Saturday, September 04, 2004

cHiNa BlAcK...

hehe super-duper long weekend this week.. booked out on fri n only booking in on mon nite.. haha.. a well-deserved break from the physically n mentally demanding airbourne course, not to mention oc's pt hehe..

china black was e first stop, n an obvious choice since so many opportunities were missed.. think of all e late bookouts n burnt weekends.. hehe.. really had fun tt nite, though felt like a little boy there with e crowd being in their mid-twenties n all.. rejected a few advances too hehe, not really sure wat to do after tt act, n i'm not all tt great a dancer anyway.. oh well.. downed half a jug later on, causing a hangover after tt.. haha e price of having fun..

was going to meet a pal which i haven't seen for quite some time, ended up seeing another whom i've known for a longer time.. quite a pleasant surprise act.. went back to k-lounge again, though this time round there's no good singer ard, n everyone else in e hse were like so powerful.. haha take it tt we went there for a drink lor..

kinda feeling tt things i've been doing are getting more n more materialistic.. or is tt suppose to be e lifestyle of grownups? to escape from e stressful day life.. seeing all e wild "kids" being unleashed in clubs makes me wonder wat they'll be doing in e day act.. or do they live juz to party thru e nite? hmmm..

anyway sorry to hear abt ur lost love.. i've been thru e pain b4, n it took quite some time to get over it.. well, at least u have a valid reason to get tt E600C ya? cheer up man..

"藉口" ---周杰伦...