Saturday, December 13, 2003

PrI cLaSs GaThErInG..

Initial barriers broken b/w e same sexes/sch..

Next time, it'll be totally gone..

Finally met up with pri sch classmates like after 2 yr plus? Many have changed, looks and style, but they're all basically e same as i remember dem to be.. Though e bond's pretty much gone, at least e friendship still pretty much exist.. Form tr's pretty glad to see us all too, since we're her first batch of students to graduate from pri sch.. She hasn't really changed much though, well, maybe juz looking a bit shorter haha..

A mum tt nvr was.. Yet a true mother she'll always be..

Was reminded of the very first tr i came in contact with in pri sch.. She followed my class up for 4 yrs straight, den retired due to a bad back.. Heard tt i left a lasting impression on her, which set me thinking back on the pri sch days.. Bits and pieces came flooding back, making me realise how much an impact she had on me.. Kinda sad tt we have lost contact though.. Well, tt's life, isn't it?

In life, many ppl leave footprints in ur heart, but the ones tt truely matter are the ones tt remain imprinted and nvr washed away, no matter rain or shine..

"It's Your Duty" ---Lene...

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